

Underfloor Heating

Underfloor heating can help keep floors and rooms warm and offer a space-saving alternative to radiators. It can sit beneath pretty much any type of floor, including stone, tile, wood and carpet. These can be a more efficient way of heating a room as it is spread across the whole of the floor and the heat is rising compare to radiators that are up against one wall only. It is a good way to keep a room dry and free from damp issues especially wetrooms where there might be more water splashes on the floor. Tiled floors can feel rather chilly in winter so this is a great way to make a cosy and enjoyable bathroom experience.

There is an electric underfloor heating system for nearly every flooring type, whether it’s loose-fit wiring, electric cable systems, or heating mats you roll out to cover larger areas. The floor can sometimes raise up slightly to fit the cable system in and insulation boards are recommended underneath to reduce wasted heat loss down through the floor.

Thermostats can be located in the room and can be basic on/off ones all the way up to digital ones with programmable timers and even wifi connectivity. 

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