

Eastbourne Avenue, Bath

Our designer Rob has utilized an interesting mix of items in this design to achieve the final design. The units are a mix of R2, Tavistock and Roper Rhodes. These are all produced by the same company but are separate ranges, luckily they produce identical colours! This means that a decent mix of units was possible to achieve the storage needs required by the customer. 

The cistern unit is a bespoke piece built so that it could be tiled over. 

The inside wall of the shower is a stud wall, built 100mm out from the original wall which allows the workings of the shower valve to be hidden and an alcove to be fitted for extra storage.

We have included some of the original designs produced for this project in the photos. 

Brands Used On This Project

top sketch angle sketch side sketch top sketch angle sketch

Thank you so much for all your  help and advice in designing our bathroom! We are so pleased with it. It looks fab and all the units and shower really work well together.
We really appreciate all your efforts in order to make the process run smoothly.  We were so impressed with Gary, Lee and Chris who ensured the end result looked perfect. Thanks for your recommendation. 

Alison & Francis

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