Shower Room, Castle Grounds, Devizes
Mixing traditional with modern, this room has the best of both worlds. The door and window are bare wood and so the rest of the room has been designed to match. A more traditionally styled set of furniture has been paired with a lovely dark worktop and underslung basin. This is then supplied by an offset black basin mixer, the colour matching the towel rail next to it. The towel rail has been fluid filled and fitted with an electric element so that no plumbin is required.
The shower enclosure has been planned to perfection and sits just underneath the sharply sloped ceiling. This features more black brassware to match that on the sink and an adjacent plumbed panel radiator. This takes advantage of the existing plumbing and having two radiators has allowed them to be smaller to fit the room better.
Brands Used On This Project
Tiles: £
Install: £