

Main Bathroom, Quarry Close, Bath

Tidy and compact, all of the plumbing in this bathroom is cunningly hidden behind studwalling and built out areas like behind the toilet where the cistern is concealed. Both the toilet and basin have been wall mounted which increases the feeling of space within the room as well as allowing for easier cleaning below the two units. 

The chrome towel rail matches perfectly with the brassware throughout the room as well as the bezel on the mirror. This radiator has been fitted with an electric element which makes it compatible with smart controls if required and removes the need for any additional plumbing. The bath utilizes an overflow filler and wall mounted controls so that there are no taps or handles in the way and the full size can be enjoyed without obstacles. 

Slightly tinted glass has been used to enclose the shower cubicle, over a very low profile tray with the waste recessed into the floor. This contast nicely with the almost monochrome finish of the rest of the room, providing a very subtle splash of colour.

Brands Used On This Project

Tiles: £

Install: £


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